Pally: Changing the Travel Landscape With 1 to 1 Tour Experience

We have always spoken about where to travel or when to travel, on Apna Yatra. This blog is, however, different. In this blog, we will tell you “how to travel”.  And no, this blog is NOT a “how to pack your bag”. Instead, this blog talks about a totally new way of enjoying your trips.

I am sure you are using the services like Ola and Uber. How are they different from a traditional taxi service? Well, they connect the riders and drivers 1to1 basis.

You might have also used the services of, or at least, heard of, AirBNB as well. They do a similar thing for accommodation during a tour. They bring the homeowners and the travellers together, 1to1 basis.

What if, there is a service, which does the same for your travel experience as a whole? Wouldn’t that be amazing? Welcome to Pally ( which is trying to bridge the gap between a tourist and the locals so the tourist can easily enjoy the best tourist attractions the location has to offer, the locals being his/her guide.

There is one disadvantage of Uber business model though. It is a centralised agency which means you need to follow the rules set up by him, pay the rates asked by them and their decision is final (unless, of course, you want to take the lengthy and costly legal route).

Pally is a completely decentralised concept. This means, Pally is neither your boss nor the local person’s boss and there is no fixed rate you need to pay. This depends on the negotiation between the two parties, you and the local you are choosing.

What, then, Pally does? Pally is merely the facilitator, the matchmaker, in the sense that it is a platform where the tourists and the locals can come looking for each other, chat, strike a deal and that’s almost all of it.

The other function of Pally is the mediator, if something goes wrong. Either party can raise a complaint once the contract comes to an end and Pally utilises its rather innovative conflict resolution process to solve everything amicably.

Pally offers you to be the user and the host at the same time. You can be the host when other Pally users visit your city and be the user when you visit another city and meet up with another Pally user.  Thus, this is not an expense only model, like Uber. Think, what if you can ride Uber and drive Uber, depending on your situation. Amazing, isn’t it?

To use Pally services, you need a Pally account and load money into it. Internally, it is called PAL coins. So basically, you buy some PAL coins against money, they are automatically stored in your Pally Wallet (which is created by default when you register with Pally) and when you use the services of Pally, you pay from there. Similarly, when you are the host, you can actually receive PAL coins in that wallet.
A clever user will earn and spend, so that she can enjoy all the Pally features for virtually free!

Actually, you can get PAL coins for as much as 25% discounted rate if you buy within October 2017. Please visit official Pally website and join the ICO Pre-sale to get the discount. You can also read the Position Paper of Pally to get more details on this.

Pally already has a presence in 5 continents, Asia, North & South Americas, Europe and Africa. So, why don’t you plan your future trips differently? Get the best local flavour with a Pally Local to show you around, not the profit making travel agencies nor the money-minded pro guides.


3362 Views October 9, 2017 no comments

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