Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura Timings, Entry Fee, History & Best Time To Visit

Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura

Mathura, a city steeped in mythology and spirituality, is home to a plethora of temples that attract pilgrims and tourists alike. One such sacred place is the Shani Mandir in Kokilavan, dedicated to Lord Shani, the deity associated with Saturn in Hindu mythology. This temple holds immense significance for devotees and is known for its tranquil ambiance and unique history. In this blog post, we will explore the Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura, including its timings, entry fees, history, and the best time to visit.

Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura Timings

Day Timing
Monday 5:30 am – 6:30 pm
Tuesday 5:30 am – 6:30 pm
Wednesday 5:30 am – 6:30 pm
Thursday 5:30 am – 6:30 pm
Friday 5:30 am – 6:30 pm
Saturday 5:30 am – 6:30 pm
Sunday 5:30 am – 6:30 pm

History of Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura

The history of the Shani Mandir in Kokilavan is shrouded in legend and mystique. According to mythology, Lord Krishna, one of the most revered deities in Hinduism, was once playing with his friends in the forest of Kokilavan. During their playful activities, a ball accidentally hit an ashram (hermitage) where a sage named Shani Dev was in deep meditation.

Infuriated by the interruption, Shani Dev cursed Lord Krishna that he would face the malefic effects of Saturn (Shani). In response, Lord Krishna accepted the curse gracefully, stating that it was a part of the cosmic plan. He also reassured Shani Dev that anyone who came to Kokilavan to seek his blessings would be free from the malefic effects of Saturn.

This incident led to the construction of the Shani Mandir in Kokilavan, dedicated to Lord Shani. Devotees believe that visiting this temple can alleviate the adverse effects of Saturn in their lives.

Image Gallery of Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura

Things to do at Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura

When visiting the Shani Mandir in Kokilavan, Mathura, there are several meaningful and spiritual activities you can engage in to make the most of your visit.

Here are some things to do at the Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura:

  • Darshan of Lord Shani: The primary reason for visiting the temple is to seek the blessings of Lord Shani. Spend some time in front of the deity, offering your prayers and seeking protection from the malefic effects of Saturn.
  • Participate in Aarti: Join the devotees in the morning and evening aarti (ceremonial worship) sessions. The aarti rituals are spiritually uplifting and create a serene atmosphere in the temple.
  • Offer Oil to Lord Shani: One of the unique traditions at this temple is the offering of mustard oil to Lord Shani. Devotees believe that this practice helps in alleviating the adverse effects of Saturn in their lives. You can purchase oil at the temple or bring your own to offer.
  • Circumambulation (Pradakshina): Walk around the temple in a clockwise direction as a sign of reverence. It’s a common practice to perform pradakshina around the sanctum sanctorum as a way of showing devotion.
  • Visit the Nearby Sites: While in Kokilavan, explore the serene and picturesque surroundings. There are beautiful forests and lakes in the area, making it an ideal place for nature lovers. Some also believe that these forests are where Lord Krishna spent his childhood.
  • Offer Prasad: You can offer prasad (sacred food) to Lord Shani as a token of your devotion. Typically, this consists of items like black sesame seeds, black cloth, mustard oil, and sweets. It’s a way to seek blessings and express your gratitude.
  • Seek Astrological Guidance: Some temples have resident priests or astrologers who can provide astrological consultations and guidance. If you’re interested in understanding more about your astrological chart or the influence of Saturn in your life, you can consult with them.
  • Attend Special Events: Check the temple’s calendar for special events, festivals, and yatras (religious processions). Attending these events can provide a deeper cultural and spiritual experience.
  • Photography: Capture the temple’s intricate architecture and the serene surroundings. Always ask for permission before taking photos inside the temple, as some places may have restrictions.
  • Shop for Souvenirs: Many temples have small shops or stalls nearby where you can purchase religious items, souvenirs, and prasad to take home as a reminder of your visit.
  • Enjoy Local Cuisine: After your visit, explore the local cuisine of Mathura. The region is famous for its sweets, especially the delectable “peda.” Try some authentic dishes at local eateries.
  • Practice Silence and Meditation: Take some time to sit in the temple premises and meditate or contemplate. The peaceful ambiance can be conducive to inner reflection and spiritual growth.

Visiting the Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura is not only a religious experience but also an opportunity to connect with the spiritual essence of this ancient place. Be respectful of the temple’s customs and traditions while enjoying your visit to this sacred site.

The architecture of Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura

The architecture of the Shani Mandir in Kokilavan, Mathura, is a testament to traditional Indian temple architecture. While it may not be as grand or elaborate as some of the larger temples in India, it possesses its own unique charm and architectural features that make it a significant place of worship.

Here are some key architectural elements and features of the Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura:

  1. Temple Layout: The Shani Mandir is typically constructed in the Nagara style of temple architecture, which is commonly seen in North India. It consists of a sanctum sanctorum (garbhagriha) where the main deity, Lord Shani, is enshrined. Surrounding the sanctum, there is usually a circumambulation path (pradakshina path) for devotees to walk around the deity.
  2. Shikhara (Spire): The temple’s shikhara, or spire, is an essential element of its architecture. The shikhara is often pyramid-shaped and adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures. It typically rises above the sanctum sanctorum and is one of the most distinctive features of the temple.
  3. Mandapa (Hall): Many Hindu temples, including the Shani Mandir, have a mandapa or hall in front of the sanctum. This hall serves as a space for devotees to gather, perform rituals, and attend ceremonies. The mandapa may also feature columns, pillars, and artistic details.
  4. Sculptures and Carvings: The exterior and interior walls of the Shani Mandir are often adorned with intricate sculptures and carvings depicting various deities, mythological stories, and religious motifs. These artistic elements add to the visual appeal and spiritual significance of the temple.
  5. Railing and Entryway: The temple’s entryway is typically marked by a decorative railing and a prominent entrance door (torana). These elements are often intricately designed and may feature religious symbols and motifs.
  6. Idol of Lord Shani: At the heart of the temple’s architecture is the idol or murti of Lord Shani. This deity is usually made of black stone or metal and is the focal point of the sanctum. Devotees offer prayers and perform rituals in front of this sacred image.
  7. Color Scheme: Traditional Indian temple architecture often features vibrant colors. While the exterior of the temple may be adorned with colorful paint, the interior may have walls and ceilings adorned with vibrant frescoes depicting religious scenes.
  8. Tower and Turrets: Some temples, depending on their size and design, may have multiple smaller turrets surrounding the main spire. These turrets can be adorned with kalashas (pot-like structures) and ornamental details.
  9. Courtyard: Many temples have an open courtyard in front of the main temple building. This space is often used for congregational activities, gatherings, and festivals.
  10. Surrounding Structures: In addition to the main temple, there may be other structures within the temple complex, such as smaller shrines, administrative buildings, and facilities for pilgrims.

The architecture of the Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura reflects the rich heritage and traditions of Indian temple design. It combines aesthetic beauty with spiritual significance, creating a sacred space where devotees can connect with the divine and experience a sense of tranquility and devotion.

Importance of the Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura

The Shani Mandir in Kokilavan, Mathura, holds significant importance for devotees and visitors due to its historical and mythological associations, as well as its spiritual significance.

Here are some key aspects that highlight the importance of the Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura:

  • Mythological Significance: The temple’s history is intertwined with Hindu mythology. According to legend, Lord Krishna was cursed by Sage Shani Dev in Kokilavan. As a result, Lord Krishna accepted the curse and established the Shani Mandir to protect devotees from the malefic effects of Saturn (Shani). This mythological event is central to the temple’s significance.
  • Protection from Saturn’s Influence: Devotees believe that visiting the Shani Mandir and offering prayers to Lord Shani can mitigate the adverse effects of Saturn in their lives. Saturn is associated with challenges, obstacles, and hardships in Vedic astrology, and seeking Lord Shani’s blessings is believed to help individuals overcome these difficulties.
  • Spiritual Solace: The Shani Mandir provides a tranquil and spiritually charged environment for devotees and visitors. It offers a place for meditation, introspection, and seeking divine guidance. Many people visit the temple to find inner peace and solace in their lives.
  • Traditional Architecture: The temple’s architecture follows traditional Indian temple design, making it a cultural and architectural landmark in the region. It serves as an example of Nagara-style temple architecture commonly found in North India.
  • Religious Pilgrimage: The Shani Mandir is an important pilgrimage site for devotees of Lord Shani. Pilgrims from various parts of India and abroad visit the temple to pay their respects and seek blessings for their well-being and prosperity.
  • Cultural Heritage: The temple contributes to the cultural heritage of Mathura and the surrounding region. It is a place where traditions and rituals associated with Lord Shani are preserved and celebrated.
  • Community Gatherings: The temple serves as a focal point for religious and cultural activities, including special events, festivals, and yatras (processions). These gatherings promote a sense of community among devotees.
  • Astrological Consultations: Some temples, including the Shani Mandir, have resident priests or astrologers who offer astrological consultations and guidance to visitors. This helps individuals understand their astrological charts and the influence of Saturn in their lives.
  • Tourist Attraction: Beyond its spiritual significance, the Shani Mandir attracts tourists interested in exploring the religious and historical aspects of Mathura. Visitors can admire the temple’s architecture, learn about its mythology, and experience the local culture.
  • Charitable Activities: Many temples, including the Shani Mandir, are involved in charitable and social welfare activities. They may run schools, hospitals, and other institutions that benefit the local community.

Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura is not only a place of religious worship but also a symbol of cultural heritage, mythological importance, and spiritual solace. It continues to be a destination for those seeking blessings, protection, and a connection to the divine. Whether you are a devout follower of Lord Shani or simply interested in exploring the rich tapestry of Indian spirituality and mythology, the Shani Mandir offers a unique and meaningful experience.

Interesting Facts about Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura

The Shani Mandir in Kokilavan, Mathura, is a unique and historically significant temple.

Here are some interesting facts about the Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura:

  1. Cursed by Sage Shani Dev: According to legend, the temple’s history is linked to a curse by Sage Shani Dev (Lord Saturn) on Lord Krishna. This curse led to the establishment of the Shani Mandir by Lord Krishna as a place for devotees to seek protection from Saturn’s malefic influence.
  2. Black Idol of Lord Shani: The main deity in the temple is Lord Shani, and the idol is typically made of black stone or metal. Black is the color associated with Lord Shani, symbolizing the influence of Saturn.
  3. Mustard Oil Offerings: Devotees offer mustard oil (til oil) to Lord Shani as it is believed to be one of his favorite offerings. The practice of offering mustard oil is unique to this temple and is considered auspicious for devotees seeking relief from Saturn-related issues.
  4. No Doors in the Sanctum: Unlike many Hindu temples that have ornate doors leading to the sanctum sanctorum, the Shani Mandir in Kokilavan often has no doors covering the main deity’s idol. This signifies an open and welcoming atmosphere for devotees.
  5. Special Days for Worship: Saturdays are considered highly auspicious for worshiping Lord Shani, and the temple attracts a significant number of devotees on Saturdays. Additionally, the festival of Shani Jayanti, which celebrates Lord Shani’s birthday, is a major event at the temple.
  6. Nagara-Style Architecture: The temple follows the Nagara style of temple architecture, characterized by its towering spire (shikhara) and intricate sculptures. The architectural design reflects traditional North Indian temple architecture.
  7. Surrounded by Forests: The Shani Mandir is situated in the midst of Kokilavan’s lush forests. This serene natural setting enhances the temple’s spiritual ambiance and is believed to be the place where Lord Krishna spent his childhood.
  8. Spiritual Significance: Devotees believe that visiting the Shani Mandir and performing prayers and rituals can alleviate the adverse effects of Saturn in their lives, leading to better health, prosperity, and overall well-being.
  9. Local Legends and Folklore: The region of Kokilavan is replete with local legends and folklore associated with Lord Krishna. Visitors can explore these stories while visiting the temple.
  10. Community and Charity: The temple plays an active role in the local community, engaging in charitable activities and providing support to those in need.
  11. Tourist Attraction: Apart from its religious significance, the Shani Mandir also attracts tourists interested in its unique mythology, architecture, and the tranquil natural surroundings of Kokilavan.
  12. Vibrant Festivals: The temple hosts vibrant celebrations during festivals, including Janmashtami (Lord Krishna’s birthday) and other important Hindu festivals. These festivities showcase the rich cultural heritage of the region.

The Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura is not only a place of worship but also a site of cultural, historical, and spiritual significance, making it an intriguing destination for both devotees and visitors interested in Hindu mythology and tradition.

Festivals at Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura

The Shani Mandir in Kokilavan, Mathura, is a place of religious significance and is known for its vibrant celebrations during various festivals. These festivals attract devotees and visitors from near and far.

Here are some of the prominent festivals celebrated at the Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura:

  1. Shani Jayanti: Shani Jayanti is one of the most important festivals at the Shani Mandir. It celebrates the birth anniversary of Lord Shani (Saturn), the presiding deity of the temple. Devotees flock to the temple on this auspicious day to seek blessings and offer special prayers to Lord Shani. The temple is beautifully decorated, and various rituals and ceremonies take place to mark the occasion.
  2. Saturdays: While not a festival per se, Saturdays hold special significance for the worship of Lord Shani. Devotees often visit the Shani Mandir on Saturdays, as it is considered an auspicious day to seek protection from the malefic influence of Saturn. The temple is particularly crowded on Saturdays, with devotees performing rituals and lighting lamps with mustard oil.
  3. Navratri: Navratri, a nine-night festival dedicated to the worship of Goddess Durga, is celebrated with enthusiasm at the Shani Mandir. Special prayers, bhajans (devotional songs), and aarti ceremonies are organized during this period. The temple is adorned with colorful decorations, and devotees participate in the festivities with devotion.
  4. Janmashtami: Janmashtami marks the birth anniversary of Lord Krishna, and it is celebrated with great fervor in Mathura, the birthplace of Lord Krishna. While the primary focus is on Lord Krishna, the Shani Mandir also observes Janmashtami with special prayers and celebrations. The temple may organize cultural programs and events as part of the festivities.
  5. Other Hindu Festivals: Like many Hindu temples in India, the Shani Mandir also celebrates other major Hindu festivals such as Diwali (Festival of Lights), Holi (Festival of Colors), and Makar Sankranti (the harvest festival). These festivals bring a sense of joy and community to the temple, with devotees coming together to participate in rituals and cultural activities.
  6. Annual Annakut Mela: The temple organizes an annual Annakut Mela, which involves the offering of a large variety of food items to the deity. Devotees prepare a vast spread of dishes and present them to Lord Shani as a symbol of gratitude and devotion.
  7. Special Occasions: The Shani Mandir also hosts various special occasions and spiritual retreats throughout the year, providing devotees with opportunities for intensive prayers, meditation, and spiritual learning.

During these festivals and special occasions, the Shani Mandir comes alive with devotion, cultural performances, and a sense of community. It is an excellent time for visitors to experience the rich religious and cultural heritage of the temple and the region of Kokilavan in Mathura.

Timings of Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura

Before planning your visit to Shani Mandir, it’s essential to be aware of the temple’s timings to ensure a hassle-free and spiritually enriching experience. The temple generally follows the following schedule:

  • Morning Darshan: The temple opens early in the morning, typically around 5:30 AM, allowing devotees to start their day with the blessings of Lord Shani.
  • Evening Darshan: The temple reopens in the evening, around 6:30 PM, for the evening darshan (viewing of the deity).
  • Aarti Timing: Special aarti ceremonies are performed in the morning and evening, adding to the divine atmosphere of the temple.

Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura Entry Fee

The Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura is open to all devotees, and there is usually no entry fee. However, it is customary to make donations or offer prasad (sacred food) as a gesture of devotion and support for the temple’s upkeep.

Places to visit near Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura

While visiting the Shani Mandir in Kokilavan, Mathura, you have the opportunity to explore several other interesting and spiritually significant places nearby.

Here are some places to visit near Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura:

Radha Kund:

Radha Kund

Radha Kund is a sacred tank located near the Shani Mandir. It is believed to be the bathing place of Radha, the divine consort of Lord Krishna. The kund (pond) is an important pilgrimage site and is associated with various legends and rituals.

Shriji Temple (Dauji Temple):

This temple is dedicated to Lord Balarama, the elder brother of Lord Krishna. It is located in Baldeo, not far from Kokilavan. The temple architecture is impressive, and it attracts devotees seeking blessings from Lord Balarama.

Goverdhan Hill:

Goverdhan Hill, a prominent hill in the Mathura district, holds great significance in Hindu mythology. It is believed that Lord Krishna once lifted the hill to protect the residents of Vrindavan from the wrath of Lord Indra. The Parikrama (circumambulation) of Goverdhan Hill is a common pilgrimage activity.

Kusum Sarovar:

Kusum Sarovar is a historic lake in Govardhan, a short drive from Kokilavan. It is a tranquil spot where Lord Krishna and Radha are said to have met. The area is beautifully landscaped and is a popular pilgrimage destination.


Prem Mandir Vrindavan

Vrindavan, the legendary town associated with Lord Krishna’s childhood and youth, is approximately 15 kilometers from Kokilavan. Here, you can visit numerous temples, including the Banke Bihari Temple, ISKCON Temple, Prem Mandir, and many others. Vrindavan is a hub of Krishna devotion and spirituality.


Geeta Mandir Mathura

The birthplace of Lord Krishna, Mathura, is about 30 kilometers from Kokilavan. The city is replete with temples, ghats, and historical sites associated with Lord Krishna’s life. The Krishna Janmabhoomi Temple is a significant attraction here.


Barsana, situated around 20 kilometers from Kokilavan, is known as the birthplace of Radha. The town is famous for its colorful Holi celebrations, particularly the Lathmar Holi, where women playfully “beat” men with sticks.


Nandgaon, another nearby town, is associated with Lord Krishna’s upbringing in the home of Nanda Baba and Yashoda. The Nand Bhavan Temple is a prominent religious site in the area.


Gokul is where Lord Krishna was raised by his foster parents, Nanda and Yashoda. Visit the Gokulnath Temple and the various shrines dedicated to Krishna’s childhood pastimes.

Yamuna River Ghats:

Along the banks of the Yamuna River, you’ll find several ghats where devotees take ritual baths and perform prayers. These ghats offer picturesque views and a serene atmosphere for reflection.

Exploring these places near the Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura allows you to immerse yourself in the rich mythology, history, and spirituality of the region associated with Lord Krishna and Hinduism. Each location offers a unique experience and an opportunity to deepen your connection with the divine.

Best Time to Visit Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura

The best time to visit the Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura depends on your preferences for weather and the type of experience you desire.

Here are some considerations for the best times to plan your visit:

  1. Winter (October to March): This is generally considered the best time to visit the Shani Mandir in Kokilavan Mathura. The weather during these months is cool and pleasant, with daytime temperatures ranging from 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F). The comfortable climate allows for enjoyable temple visits and outdoor exploration. Moreover, the winter months are ideal for participating in outdoor activities and circumambulating nearby sacred places like Radha Kund and Govardhan Hill.
  2. Shani Jayanti: If you want to experience a significant festival at the Shani Mandir, consider visiting during Shani Jayanti. This festival marks the birth anniversary of Lord Shani and usually falls between April and May. The temple is beautifully decorated, and special ceremonies are held, creating a vibrant and spiritually charged atmosphere.
  3. Avoid Monsoon (June to September): The monsoon season in Mathura, from June to September, sees heavy rainfall, humidity, and the potential for flooding. It’s not an ideal time for temple visits or outdoor activities, as the wet conditions can be inconvenient. Moreover, some areas around the temple may become inaccessible due to flooding.
  4. Moderate Weather (April to September): The period from April to September brings warm and humid weather, with temperatures often exceeding 30°C (86°F) or more. While it’s not the most comfortable time for sightseeing, you can still visit the Shani Mandir during these months if you can tolerate the heat. Be sure to carry water and wear appropriate clothing to stay comfortable.
  5. Festivals: If you’re interested in experiencing the vibrant celebrations of festivals in Mathura, such as Holi, Janmashtami, or Diwali, plan your visit accordingly. These festivals bring unique cultural and religious experiences, but they also attract large crowds, so be prepared for a festive and bustling atmosphere.
  6. Weekdays vs. Weekends: Weekdays are generally less crowded than weekends at the Shani Mandir. If you prefer a quieter and more contemplative experience, consider visiting on a weekday.
  7. Morning and Evening: The temple typically has morning and evening darshan (viewing of the deity) and aarti (ceremonial worship). The early morning hours are often less crowded, providing a peaceful and serene atmosphere for devotees.

Ultimately, the best time to visit the Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura depends on your personal preferences and the type of experience you seek. If you wish to avoid extreme weather conditions and large crowds, the winter months are highly recommended. However, any time you visit, the spiritual and historical significance of the temple remains constant, offering a meaningful experience for devotees and visitors alike.

How to Reach Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura

Reaching the Shani Mandir in Kokilavan, Mathura, is relatively straightforward, as it is well-connected by road to major cities in India.

Here are the primary modes of transportation and directions to reach the temple:

By Road:

  1. From Mathura City: The Shani Mandir is approximately 35 kilometers from Mathura city, which is well-connected by road to various parts of India. You can hire a taxi or take a private vehicle from Mathura to reach Kokilavan. The journey takes about 1 to 1.5 hours, depending on traffic conditions.
  2. From Delhi: If you are traveling from Delhi, you can take the Yamuna Expressway, which connects Delhi to Agra. After reaching Agra, follow National Highway 44 (NH44) towards Mathura. Continue on NH44 until you reach the Kokilavan area. The temple is well-marked and easily accessible from the highway.
  3. From Agra: Agra is another major city close to Mathura. You can follow the same route as mentioned above, traveling on NH44 from Agra to Mathura and then to Kokilavan.

By Train:

  1. Mathura Junction: Mathura Junction is the nearest major railway station to Kokilavan. Mathura Junction is well-connected to major cities like Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, and other parts of India. After reaching Mathura Junction, you can hire a taxi or take a local bus to Kokilavan. The temple is about a 1-hour drive from the railway station.

By Air:

  1. Indira Gandhi International Airport (Delhi): The nearest major airport to Kokilavan is the Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) in Delhi, which is approximately 160 kilometers away. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or take a train to Mathura Junction. After reaching Mathura, follow the road directions mentioned earlier to reach Kokilavan.

Local Transportation: Once you arrive in Kokilavan, you can easily reach the Shani Mandir via local auto-rickshaws or cycle rickshaws. The temple is a well-known landmark in the area, and locals can provide directions if needed.

It’s advisable to check the road conditions and traffic updates before your journey, especially if you’re traveling during peak tourist seasons or festivals. Additionally, consider the weather conditions, especially during the summer months, to ensure a comfortable and hassle-free visit to the Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura.


The Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura stands as a testament to the rich mythology and spiritual heritage of India. Whether you are a devout follower of Lord Shani or simply seeking a serene and sacred place to visit in Mathura, this temple offers a unique and profound experience. By adhering to the temple’s timings, respecting its traditions, and understanding its history, you can make the most of your visit to this divine destination. So, plan your trip to Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura and seek the blessings of Lord Shani to lead a life free from the malefic effects of Saturn.

Google Map Of Kokilavan Dham – Shani Temple Mathura

FAQs about the Shani Mandir Kokilavan Mathura

According to legend, Lord Krishna was cursed by Sage Shani Dev in Kokilavan, leading to the establishment of the Shani Mandir. Lord Krishna accepted the curse and created the temple for devotees seeking protection from Saturn's influence.

The Shani Mandir typically opens early in the morning around 5:30 AM for the morning darshan and reopens around 6:30 PM for the evening darshan. Timings may vary, so it's advisable to check in advance.

Generally, there is no entry fee to visit the temple. Devotees are encouraged to make donations or offer prasad (sacred food) as a gesture of support for the temple's upkeep.

The best time to visit is during the winter months (October to March) when the weather is pleasant. Saturdays and festivals like Shani Jayanti are also excellent times to seek blessings.

Yes, devotees often offer mustard oil (til oil) to Lord Shani. It is believed to be one of his favorite offerings. Lighting lamps with mustard oil is a common practice.

Yes, there are several nearby attractions, including Radha Kund, Goverdhan Hill, Vrindavan, Mathura, and other temples associated with Lord Krishna.

Some temples have resident priests or astrologers who offer astrological consultations and guidance to visitors. You can inquire at the temple for such services.

While Kokilavan may have limited accommodations, nearby towns like Mathura and Vrindavan offer a wide range of lodging options to suit different budgets.

It's advisable to dress modestly when visiting temples in India. Conservative clothing that covers the shoulders and knees is respectful. Removing your shoes before entering the temple premises is also customary.

247 Views September 19, 2023 no comments

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